Turkey Loaves and Comment Sections

Disclaimer:  I know that there is nothing wrong with a good turkey loaf.  Turkey loaves have there own place in the world and people appreciate them and that is why they are made.  If you eat turkey loaves, please enjoy my humor and don’t feel persecuted…I eat them too, but I do not try to feed a family of six with one of them…

Another disclaimer:  Pops, I am not making fun of you.  I love you dearly and am only telling the story in good fun and becuase it is the week of Thanksgiving and I fondly remember this story every time I see an inoocent little turkey loaf at the store this time of year. 

One more disclaimer:  I was fairly young when this happened so how I remember it may be a little off.  I’m telling to the best of my memory here, people.

So the story goes…Dad is not much of a Turkey fan  (as in a whole big turkey-bird sitting on the counter waiting on us to chow down).  He used to not be.  He may like them fine now.  I’ve heard that a person’s taste buds change every seven years and it has been more than seven years since the “Turkey Loaf Incident”.  Dad, if you’re reading this and you now feel differently about turkey, that is ok, too. 


So Dad tells Mom, “Deb’r dear, I’m gonna get the turkey this year and I want you to make a LOT of conrbread dressing.”  Dad loves him some cornbread dressing made by my mama.    Mom raises her eyebrows and says, “You’re going to get the turkey?  What kind of turkey are you getting?”  Dad says (with a great excitement), “I’m gonna get a turkey loaf!”  I’m sure that more conversation ensued at this point, but I don’t remember what it was, so we’ll skip ahead to when Dad gets home from the store.


Dad walks in the kitchen door with a Kroger bag (or some kind of bag) and proudly hands Mom the tiniest little half dark meat/half light meat turkey loaf known to man.  I imagine Mom was thinking many things, but said not much and started the turkey…loaf. 


Long story short, we sit at the table and admire the feast.  A huge bowl of mashed potatoes, so much cornbread dressing you could feed the entire state of Tennessee with it, cranberries, green beans, sweet potatoes, and… the little turkey loaf that could.  As it was sitting there on the plate, you could hear it going, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can ….feed six people”.  And it did…we each got one piece and then some of another and ate dressing for DAYS after that…  THE END


Today I’m thankful for memories of my family that make me happy.  I’m thankful for plenty to eat and I’m thankful for the blessings God has heaped upon me just because He loves me… 


What are you thankful for??  You can even tell us on this page!  Go down to the big white box under “Comments” and tpye away.  Go ahead, you know you want to.  Drag your mousey arrow over to the “submit” button and left click that baby when you’re done telling everybody what you are thankful for!!  Yes!!  I mean YOU!!!

3 thoughts on “Turkey Loaves and Comment Sections

  1. Yep, I remember the turkey loaf…I didn’t think that would be something you would remember though. I suppose turkey, or the lack of turkey, on Thanksgiving is more impressionable than I thought.

    On another note…I am thankful for memories and all they represent. I am thankful that memories elicit more thankfulness from my daughters than “stuff”.

  2. I kind of remember the turkey loaf too Boo! Except I just remember that it was umm mmm gooooood!

    Although it may sound a bit corny, I’m thankful for my family and my puppy dog…I think they’re great. I’m also thankful for words like elicit Poppie :)))

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